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GenCon, Fægår and Another Nymeria

This year will be my first year having a booth at GenCon.  It will be located in Artist Alley, so if you are in the Indianapolis area from Thursday the 15th through Sunday the 18th, please come by and check it out.  GenCon is a super fun convention dedicated to card gaming, and even if you don't necessarily play, its cool to just browse the floor and see the art.

I have also finished my latest dwarf painting, it's called "The Flawed Reign of Fægår" and it's a follow-up to another painting I did a while back called "Fægår the Fearless".  In my mind this is a story about a young dwarf who showed how courageous he was on the battlefield, killing many a foe.  When it became the time for the dwarves to elect a new leader, they naturally felt Fægår would be the leader they needed.  Unfortunately, Fægår did not know anything more than war strategies and smiting evil, so when it came to the more subtle aspects of ruling, he didn't know the right direction to take.  And he ran his kingdom into the ground.  So this painting is showing him as an old man in a contemplative state, thinking of all the things he could have done better for his people.

The Flawed Reign of Fægår, 11"x11", Oil on Paper on Masonite, 2013

Also,  I painted a new version of Nymeria for my Wolves of Winterfell series.  Nymeria was my least favorite of my series, and she is a very important character in the A Song of Ice and Fire books.  She should look good, and my original painting was not very good.  I was expressing my displeasure with this painting to my wife, Sarah, and in her infinite intellect, she said, "Why don't you do another one?"  So I did another one, with which I'm much happier.
Nymeria, 5"x5",Oil on Paper on Masonite, 2013

I will be selling prints of both of these paintings, along with the originals and many others at GenCon, and even if you don't want to spend money, come by and say hello!  I'll be there all day for the entire Con, and I always invite good conversation!


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