I just wanted to do a Halloween post, little bit more personal than I usually get with my blog, but my birthday is on Halloween, so I take today very seriously. These are some pictures from my weekend. We have a wall in our kitchen that I just painted in chalkboard paint, so here is my Halloween decoration. One friday, my friends and I went to the St. John the Divine church near Columbia University, where they have an amazing event each year. They show a scary silent film, and the organist play the music live while the movie is shown. This year it was the original Phantom of the Opera. Following the show, the devil leads a procession of the ghouls down the center aisle. All the costumes were amazing! Some of the best costumes I've ever seen. It was a great experience and I highly recommend it to anyone who lives in the NYC area. The next day, Sarah and I planned to go out and celebrate the holiday, but winter came a bit...
or, How I am Learning to Slay the Mighty Blue Whale