Soon after I finished the Warhammer: Invasion pieces, I was asked to contribute to the Valar Dohaeris deck in the Game of Thrones LCG. The AD asked me to do a character card of Shireen Baratheon. She is the daughter of Stannis Baratheon and she has Greyscale on her cheek and neck. The AD wanted an image of her looking up at a giant at The Wall, and he wanted it from the perspective of the giant. Final Sketch ©Fantasy Flight Games Final Painting ©Fantasy Flight Games I am pretty obsessed with the Song of Fire and Ice series, so this was a true honor for me. This might be a fairly minor character, but just the idea that George R.R. Martin had to give the final OK on the image just makes me so happy.
or, How I am Learning to Slay the Mighty Blue Whale