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Highmount from Fleischmanns

Highmount from Fleischmanns, 13"x10.875", oil on masonite, 2015.

Every year, Sarah and I go up to the Catskills for the Fourth of July.  There's just something nice about being in the woods, grilling and seeing local fireworks instead of the Big City fireworks.  If I'm lucky, which I usually am, I can get away from the house and do some landscape painting en plein air.  This year, I went to this spot at the top of a little valley, overlooking a mountain that used to have a ski resort called Highmount.  You can see the green lines on the right side of the mountain where the trails still leave their veins.  This piece took two days, about 3 hours of work each day.  When I am outside, painting in the middle of nowhere, I think I'm at my happiest.


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